Online Dating: 13 Tips To Write a Winning Profile and Attract a Date

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Getting ready for a night out can take quite some time. If you’re a woman, you might spend an hour or more getting everything just right. Men, on the other hand, can often be ready in about 20 minutes. But when it comes to writing an online dating profile, most people spend far less time. You might spend less than 5 minutes, maybe 10 minutes at most.

However, your online dating profile is crucial. You only have a few moments to impress someone and stand out. So, shouldn’t you invest more time in creating it?

When you’re looking for a partner online, the first thing you notice is the profile picture. After that, you read the profiles where people have taken the time to write something about themselves. If your profile has no photo and little information, don’t be surprised if your inbox stays empty.

Here are a few tips to help you create an eye-catching profile. Take some time to think about what you’re going to write. Jot down some notes before you start typing.

1. Grab a Friend

Writing about yourself can be tough. You might get stuck. A friend can help. Pick a friend who always tells you how great you are. Ask them what they think your best qualities are. They’ll come up with many positive things about you that you might not think of.

2. Strike a Pose

Photos are important. Choose a clear photo where you look your best. Smiling in the photo makes you appear friendly and approachable.

3. Choose a Fun Username

Your username is what people will know you by on the dating site. Use something other than your real name to stay anonymous. Pick a name that reflects your personality, like SportySam or DiscoQueen. Avoid names that are provocative or offensive.

4. Captivate Your Audience

Make your profile stand out. You want people to read it and think, “Wow, I have to get to know this person!” Most dating sites have dropdown menus for basic questions like your appearance, lifestyle, and hobbies. Use the additional space to write more about yourself. Talk about your personality, interests, and what you are looking for in a partner. Be confident and positive without sounding arrogant.

5. Don’t Leave an Empty Space

Answering the basic profile questions is not enough. Don’t leave the additional space blank. Don’t write “ask me” or “tell you later.” This makes it seem like you’re not serious about dating. Expand on the information you’ve provided. For example, if you say you like traveling, mention some places you’ve visited.

6. Ask Questions

If there is a particular place you visited and fell in love with, ask anyone who has been there to get in touch with you so you can reminisce together.  Asking a question in your profile makes it easy for other members to respond to.

7. Be Honest

Don’t lie about your interests. If you say you love long walks in the countryside but really prefer nightclubs, you’ll attract the wrong person. Be honest from the start to make finding your perfect match easier.

8. Show Your Funny Side

A sense of humor is attractive. If you can make someone laugh, you’re on the right path. Mention something funny or talk about a scene from a favorite comedy. This can help you connect with someone who shares your sense of humor.

9. Dream a Little

Talk about your dreams and ambitions. If you dream of traveling the world, mention it. Someone might share this dream and want to join you. If you’ve achieved your dreams, share your experiences.

10. Don’t Mention the Ex

Avoid talking about past relationships. It can put people off and make you seem desperate. Focus on making a fresh start with online dating.

11. Your Expectations

Be clear about what you’re looking for. If you’re seeking a serious relationship, say so. If you’re looking for something casual, be honest about that too. This helps avoid misunderstandings and wasted time.

12. Write a Chapter, Not a Book

Don’t write your whole life story. Provide enough information to intrigue someone but keep it short and easy to read. Use short bursts of information and paragraphs to make your profile more readable.

13. Be Safe

Don’t include personal information like your email, home address, work address, or phone number. A reputable dating site will remove personal information to ensure your safety.

Once you’ve finished your profile, read it over. Ask a trusted friend to read it too. Would they reply to this profile? If yes, you’re ready to go. If no, look for areas to improve. It might take more than 5 or 10 minutes, but the effort will be worth it when your inbox starts filling up.


Taking the time to create a well-thought-out online dating profile can make a huge difference. By following these tips, you can create a profile that stands out, attracts attention, and increases your chances of finding the right match. Remember, honesty and positivity are key. With a little effort, you can present your best self and make meaningful connections.

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