Category: Relationships

  • How To Get Respect From Women

    How To Get Respect From Women

    Respecting other people is one of the basic human values. Schools and parents try to inculcate it to their children, however, it is still one of the most undermined values. Respect is one of the most neglected values maybe because it can be viewed as a value that only affects…

  • How to Say No to a Guy Nicely Without Hurting Him

    How to Say No to a Guy Nicely Without Hurting Him

    The phone is on its fourth ring. It could be your mother, or your best friend. Or it could be him – the man who boxed you into conversation at that party on Friday night. Was he sweet? Certainly. Were you attracted to him? No. So explain this – after…

  • How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

    How To Make A Girl Fall In Love With You

    Let’s get started. Getting a girl of your dreams is much like getting the car of your dream. But unlike a car which you can always bargain for, there is nothing like a 20 percent discount in courting the girl of your dreams, she’s so sweet a thing to be…

  • 200 Funny Pick Up Lines for Flirting with Guys

    200 Funny Pick Up Lines for Flirting with Guys

    Flirting can be a fun way to show someone you’re interested in them. It can also be a way to make someone smile or laugh. Using funny pick-up lines is a light-hearted way to break the ice. Whether you’re looking to start a conversation, make someone laugh, or show off…

  • How To Impress A Women The Easy Way!

    Most men have their own way on how they can attract women. It only requires some moves to impress her. There are some obvious acts in a man’s behavior that makes a man to impress a woman. Look on how a man behaves in front of woman. There are certain…

  • How to Stop Being a Nice Guy

    How to Stop Being a Nice Guy

    One of the worst nightmares for a guy when it comes to seducing and dating women is falling in the trap of being a “nice guy”. Although you must always treat a woman with respect and dignity, it’s absolutely vital you do not become another “nice guy” around women. So…

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